lunedì 1 febbraio 2010

Il "giorno del giudizio" per la Grecia...

...When Russia defaulted on its debt and sent the world into crisis in 1998, they had total debt of only E51 billion. Greece now has E254 billion and added another E8 billion this week, and needs to add another E24 billion (or so) later this year. That’s a debt-to-GDP ratio of over 100%, well above the limit of the treaty, which is 60%.
(le colonnine in rosso rappresentano i recenti default di Russia ed Argentina: come potete vedere si falliva per molto meno...

Sono di fretta.
Copio-incollo la news in inglese.
Mercoledì 3 febbraio: una giornata importante da segnarsi sul calendario dei "Casini Debito Pubblico Area Euro"...
Non sarà proprio il "giorno del giudizio" sarà comunque un appuntamento importante.

La telenovelas "Boom Boom debito pubblico Grecia" continua...
The Greek Judgement Day Cometh, Wednesday

The Economist: Judgment will be passed on the Greek government's budget-cutting plans by the European Commission on Wednesday February 3rd. The country's public finances are in a parlous state and fears that the markets may lose faith in Greece altogether were only partly allayed when it recently raised €8 billion ($11 billion) in the bond market. Amid fears that Greece may not present a credible plan for fiscal austerity, talk is circulating of a bail-out, perhaps through a big fund underwritten by the commission or France and Germany, that could offer loans, albeit at punitive rates, to see Greece past this tight spot.

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